Application for Web Data Extraction and Analysis

Preeti Rawat, Rajesh ., Sarah Sayyad, Suveni Surinder, Prof. S N Shelke


In web search applications, the World Wide Web (WWW) is a huge resource for people. This resource uses search engines to search the information. The web uses search engines to search different kinds of information where queries are submitted to search engine. Queries submitted represent needs of the users. Sometimes they may not exactly be representing the actual objective of user. As there are many ambiguous queries and different users may want to get information on different aspects when they submit the same query. User search objective is information on different aspects of a query that user groups want to obtain. Information need can be defined as a particular desire to obtain information to satisfy ones need. User’s search goals can be considered as the clusters of information needs for a query. Analysis and inference of user's search goals have many advantages in improving user experience and search engine relevance.

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