Arduino Based Fall Detection and Tracking of Elderly

Dr. G.R. Patil, Subham Kumar Sharma, Vikas Kumar Lathar, Vipul Tiwari


With the advancement and development in medical field, resulting in increase in life expectancy. So demand for health care of elderly rises. As we know that, elderly people are suffering from diseases that require attention and in most cases fall leads to many casualties. So hiring the personal care taker is costly and elderly needs attention in case of medical emergency. The purpose of this project is to design a device which will track the location of patient using Global Positioning System and send the details using wireless network (GSM) and send the detail to their care takers in case of fall. Design consists of sensors like GY-521 MPU-6050 (tri-axial accelerometer and gyroscope), pulse rate using IR sensor and temperature sensor.


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