In India the budget allocation for primary education and teacher education enhanced every year from independence to till now. At the same time new and innovative teaching and learning concepts were introduced in both. Most of the primary education is taught by DIET (Diploma in elementary education) students according to rules (RTE) passed by Indian government and Andhra Pradesh government. ICT can change the traditional concept of teaching-learning process. ICT should improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education at all levels in both formal and non-formal settings. In TTC a compulsory subject related to ICT has been introduced in the first year of course. Most of the DIET students are using ICT in their teaching learning process. In my present study I want to bring out the differences between DIET students in using ICT in evaluation based on the variables like gender, qualification, Subject methodology, locality and age. The findings of this study revealed that male, mathematics and rural students shows high computer evaluation skills.

Dr. T. Sudhakar


A Study on the Awareness of Diet Students towards Computer Based Evaluation in Teaching Learning Process in Prakasam District

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