Phytochemical profiling of the aqueous leaf extracts of Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Heyne ex Roth its HPLC, GC-MS, and column chromatographic analysis

Kalitha Parveen P, Kandasamy Prabakar, John Pote Wembonyama


Medicinal plants play an important role in treating various diseases in living organisms. A large number of the plants are suggested to possess the antibiotic properties in the traditional system and are also used ample by the tribal people worldwide. Photochemical have two categories i.e., primary and secondary constituents. Primary constituents have chlorophyll, proteins, sugar and amino acids. Secondary constituents contain terpenoids and alkaloids. Medicinal plants have antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammation activities.  The plant for the present study is Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Heyne ex Roth. They belong to the family Acanthaceae. Phytochemical screening of the leaf extract was done to ascertain the phytochemical appurtenance in the versatile solvents of the leaf extract. The leaf of the selected medicinal plant was washed, air dried and then powdered. The aqueous extract of leaf sample was used for the phytochemical analysis to find out the phytochemical constituents in the plant. The main target of the research work was to reveal the presence or absence of the phytochemical appurtenance in the selected medicinal plant. The results of the phytochemical analysis of the leaf extract of medicinal plant revealed the presence of terpenoids, phlobatannins, reducing sugar, flavonoids, phenols, glycosides, starch, proteins, peptide, amino acids, tannins, anthroquinones, sterols, steroids, coumarins, quinines, saponins and alkaloids.  Further analysis such as Column chromatography, HPLC and GC-MS of leaf methanol extract has revealed the presence of phenolic compounds which is a bioactive compound amenable to treat disease.

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